Elias Frederick Hitz has arrived!
August 5th, 2008 weighing in at 8 lbs. 3 oz. and 20 inches long.

About Me

My photo
Noblesville, Indiana
Married on June 9th 2001 we've finally decided to expand our family beyond us and our 2 cats:)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

2nd Month

Well, it's official. Our little boy is starting to grow up! He's finally moved out of the "newborn" size diapers and into size 1, although we have to wrap them pretty tight to get them to stay on. They make size 1-2 where is the size N-1? Monday, the day before Eli turned 6 weeks old, he found a way to get out of tummy time. He rolled over from his tummy to his back! Now he only does it when we put his arms underneath him in push-up position but he did it like 5 times in a row on Monday, how big is he?! I have to be right there though because he'll knock his head when he flops to his back if I don't catch him :) And, last weekend we moved him out of our room and into his crib.

Our other development is that we decided to stop the reflux medicine. I've never been fully convinced he has reflux and on top of that we've come to the conclusion that the medicine is making Eli constipated. Even though it happened to only 5% it was the number 1 side effect listed for use in children. We found that in the fine print on the label after almost 2 weeks of wondering why he hasn't been pooping the same and coincidently 2 1/2 weeks of the medication... Only a mother would write about their kids poop! So hopefully that will help his tummy to feel better. Well, that's all for now. Maybe next time he takes a nap I can add some pictures.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Lots of changes!

Okay, I'll try to be conscise (not my strength). Scratch the comment in the last post about us having to wake Eli up to eat, he must be going through a growth spurt or something becuase he's wanting to eat as often as every 2 hours during the day and he's definitely not going more than 5 at night :( He's been really fussy when we feed him and would just scream when we tried to burp him so we finally took him in and they say he has reflux. Very common in babies so they gave us some medicine but it's supposed to take 1-2 weeks to begin working. Poor guy! We've decided he's old enough now to go out so we've been to dinner, friends houses, and for a walk on the Monon Trail. It's wonderful to finally be able to go places with him. I've finally decided I don't have to be in the room with him at all times (that leaving him doesn't make me a bad mom) so tonight I put him down at about 9:30 and turned on the monitor and left the room...FREEDOM! Usually I'd try to sleep too but just needed some time for myself. I did the dishes, read a magazine, and thought I'd update the blog. Here are some pictures of his first real bath, he liked it...at first.