Elias Frederick Hitz has arrived!
August 5th, 2008 weighing in at 8 lbs. 3 oz. and 20 inches long.

About Me

My photo
Noblesville, Indiana
Married on June 9th 2001 we've finally decided to expand our family beyond us and our 2 cats:)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The First Year

Wow, I can't believe that Eli is almost one! We're planning his first birthday party (we decided to keep it small-just family), and chasing Eli all over the house. He's crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything. He loves to walk with someone holding his hands and to stand up and push his Tonka Truck around. His favorite game is hide and seek. If you crawl out of the room he'll chase after you, then when he finds you he'll turn around and crawl away as fast as he can wanting you to chase him. It's so cute!! We also decided to put our house on the market. Not the best time to sell but it's a great time to buy so we thought we'd see if we can sell our house and get into something a little bigger. So that's exciting but very busy. The house looks great...if only we can keep it that way! Here are a few pictures that are more recent than Easter. Sorry about that :)
Eli got into his diaper bag and pulled out his sippy cup and his puffs, he made himself a little snack! And a big mess..
Fourth of July at Lake Michigan. Eli LOVED the water but unfortunately it was too cold to let him get in and play.

Big boy standing up in his crib, this was the last day for the bumper pads. I was too afraid to put them in until he was 9 months because of SIDS and this was his 10 month birthday...glad we got so much use of of those... ;)